Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Revelation 2:4

To love God and also replicate this love to your neighbour is not as easy as ABC. Given this, in the quest of demonstrating love to our fellow humans, a lot of us have lost the hope of love thereby, we have abandon all the virtues of love.

The first step to talking the candle of love to the darkness of your neighbours is you must return to your first love. We have already seen the principle of love that is; we can only reproduce the love we experience to others. How can the principle of love be achieved if you have left the source?

You must not allow events and the paradox of life to change the altitude of your love content. Sometimes, the individual himself or herself have personally and consciously decided to shut the door of love to others. It is time to leave all those scores and return to the first love – God.

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